Anastasia Lukinova

Surrogate Mothers Intake and Support

Nastya is one of the first people who take care of your future child before it is born. Her kind and compassionate heart shares its warmth and comforts surrogate mothers during the process.

Anastasia Lukinova

Nastya came to medicine out of a sincere desire to help other people. She got an intermediate medical qualification and became a general nurse. In the World Center of Baby, Nastya specializes in supervising surrogate mothers. As a thoughtful and caring guide, she assists them from the first visit to the 12th week of pregnancy. Nastya is driven by understanding that surrogate mothers play a crucial role in fulfilling a child’s intended parents’ dream. She makes sure that their surrogacy process is comfortable, easy, and understandable for them. Nastya provides them with support and information at every stage of the program.

We will help you to create
a family of your dream.
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